1 cuota de $0,00 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $0,00 |
Editorial: Pearson
Isbn: 978-1-4479-7204-4
Idioma: Inglés Internacional
Tipo de Tapa: Tapa rustica
Sinopsis: Today! is a four-level course that shapes learning around the individual, understanding that no two students are the same. Lessons feature kids in authentic situations, making English easier to understand, learning more enjoyable and teaching more effective! Eight units per book. Two pages per lesson. Word lists, grammar reference section and extra speaking lessons. MyEnglishLab Today An online learning tool that perfectly partners Today! for personalised practice and assessment. MyEnglishLab provides an enriched learning environment and activities that are instantly graded and correlated to the course. It allows you the flexibility of personalising tasks for each student to help them reach their goals and instant access to a range of diagnostic tools.