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Autor: Marsland, Steve

Editorial: Pearson

Isbn: 978-987-615-085-9

Idioma: Inglés Internacional

Tipo de Tapa: Tapa rustica

Sinopsis: Tracks Primary Beginner, Elementary 6 to 11 year-olds 6 Levels Our brand new primary course, Tracks, offers an innovative combination of original stories and real-life topics that are set to spark your pupils' imagination and hold their attention. With both ongoing stories and adventure episodes, Tracks will appeal to your pupils' diverse interests, creating the anticipation required to keep them motivated lesson after lesson. Responding to the changes which occur in children as they develop and mature,each level of Tracks offers the appropriate combination of fantasy and factual content. Cross-curricular lessons, personalisation activities and project work ground the course in the here-and-now, giving pupils the opportunity to bring their real-world experiences into the classroom. Developed by teachers for teachers, Tracks offers a crystal-clear format that reduces preparation time and enhances pupils' success ample opportunities for recycling and assessment activities which help track progressfull-colour interleaved teacher's book with pupils' book pages, surrounded by easy-to-use teaching notes Accompanied by a rich package that offers the teachers' favourite components,Tracks will transform your classroom!