Título: WHAT'S UP? 1 3/ED.
Editorial: Pearson
Isbn: 978-987-615-426-0
Idioma: Inglés Internacional
Tipo de Tapa: Tapa rustica
Sinopsis: What's up? Cathy MyersDidi, LymanSarah, JacksonSilvia, Carolina Tiberio and María Alicia Maldonado What's new? New design: updated, clear and simple with 100 new photos. New structure: 100 new readings, 80 new activities, all integrated in each thematic units as well as more Writing production. New contextualisation: a spiral structure helps contextualise learning, linguistic content and activities. New Projects: each new project can be achieved online or offline. Students will be guided about how to achieve their goals throughout the units. New CLIL and CULTURE sections: every 2 units, one page on social and cultural themes. Students relate to their own experience and local reality. New self-assessment section: with our new Let's wrap it up! section, the student can review and reaffirm his knowledge. New Interactive Student's and Teacher's book: free acces to interactivity for students and teachers. More fun for students, closer follow-up for teachers, who can see their students' progress by units or competencies, upload their own material or organise homework tasks from the online class they have generated. Watch out! The Interactive Student s book can be used online and offline. Social Emotional Learning As teachers, we know the key role emotions play in any learning process. Social and Emotional Learning SEL helps us develop a positive atmosphere in the classroom, allowing a systematic nurturing of life skills for our students. Let's help our students tap into and embrace their passions, regulate their emotions, achieve positive outcomes, and improve their communication and problem-solving skills. By incorporating SEL into the classroom, we bridge the mind and the heart, thoughts and emotions, while offering a "more comprehensive" educational approach to our teaching.